Vänner till mig berättar hur deras vänner och många de känner liksom vänder sig till världen istället för att ödmjuka sig inför Herren. På något sätt önskar de kanske i sina hjärtan att världen skall bli normal igen. Vad Herren uppenbarat för oss är precis tvärtom det kommer gå allt snabbare mot slutet istället.
Det känns jobbigt ibland att bara göra sin plikt att varna och blåsa i basunen. Men det vi ser komma nu är bara början vänner. Vi ser faktiskt en av de största ledartidningarna i kristenheten Dagen lägga skuld på andra Kristna för ett Vaccins skull. Denna tidning har tydligt visat kursen mot den kommande världskyrkans ekumenik.
Att Dagen nu varnar för de ”Ovaccinerade” är väl helt i linje med vad som komma skall senare. Det är nämligen den stora avfallna kyrkan som skall göra reklam för vilddjurets (FN) märke. Allt det här som kommer nu ser ju ut att komma i det godas namn.
Upp 13:11 Och jag såg ett annat vilddjur stiga upp ur jorden. Det hade två horn som ett lamm men talade som en drake. 12 Det utövar det första vilddjurets hela makt inför det och får jorden och dess invånare att tillbe det första vilddjuret, vars dödliga sår hade blivit läkt. 13 Det gör stora tecken och får till och med eld att falla från himlen ner på jorden i människornas åsyn. 14 Genom de tecken det har fått makt att göra inför vilddjuret vilseleder det dem som bor på jorden. Det befaller jordens invånare att göra en bild åt vilddjuret, som har ett sår av ett svärd men levde. 15 Och det fick makt att ge livsande åt vilddjurets bild, så att bilden till och med kunde tala och låta döda alla dem som inte tillbad vilddjurets bild. 16 Och det tvingar alla, små och stora, rika och fattiga, fria och slavar, att ta emot ett märke på högra handen eller på pannan, 17 så att ingen kan köpa eller sälja utom den som har märket, vilddjurets namn eller dess namns tal. 18 Här gäller det att vara vis. Den som har förstånd må räkna ut vilddjurets tal, ty det är en människas tal. Och dess tal är sexhundrasextiosex.
Jag kopierade Jan Markells nyhetsbrev för det talar nog in i den Svenska Kristenheten också. Om kyrkan skall fortsätta tycka som världen är vi ju snart där.
Rom 12:1 Så förmanar jag nu er, bröder, vid Guds barmhärtighet, att frambära era kroppar som ett levande och heligt offer som behagar Gud er andliga gudstjänst. 2 Och anpassa er inte efter den här världen, utan låt er förvandlas genom sinnets förnyelse, så att ni kan pröva vad som är Guds vilja, det som är gott och fullkomligt och som behagar honom.
Här är nyhetsbrevet!
In September I had the privilege of traveling to Southern California to minister at the Behold He Comes conference at Pastor Jack Hibbs’ church. I also met weary remnant believers who are looking for the like-minded and often coming up.
How can we be in these mind-numbing times and not have every single Christian asking what it all means? Maybe because the church is now in Laodicea and today’s church—with some exceptions—is more interested in conforming than transforming.
Their Church Awakened to Wokeness
I heard many express dismay that during the Covid shutdown of months to a year or more, their church went “woke.” What on earth does that mean?
I learned that many pulpits became more interested in skin color than the gospel of salvation. In just a short time, their church had a complete transformation—and not a good one. The George Floyd incident, which took place less than a half hour from my office—had changed the culture and all of society. The church did not escape.
Social justice is the new urgency and also saving the planet. Not saving souls. And certainly not looking up and listening for a trumpet blast! Many are told people have been doing that for decades and it’s a waste of time.
I learned that people talking about the excitement of the Lord’s soon return are dealing with people with short fuses, so to speak. This irritates people more than usual. Many only wanted life “to return to normal”, whatever that means.
Watching dysfunctional society seemed to cause people to cling even more to this broken planet. Perhaps this was because life was now filled with inconvenience, the threat of job losses, and alienation from loved ones over vaccine and health-related issues.
When Reality Becomes Too Frightening
People seemed to want “their best life now” rather than long for eternal rewards. The pandemic has caused so much sorrow and change that some are not coping well. Their “best life” is evaporating. You would think that would result in loosening a grip on a broken planet.
Everyone I spoke with at this conference stated they could hardly keep up with the hourly events that are leaping out of the Bible into reality.
They acknowledge that their friends and family members who are indifferent to this truly love the Lord but choose to ignore one-third of the Bible dealing with prophecy. The root is reality has turned too negative for them.
When I returned home, I got this email from a conference attendee:
“Jan, I am viewed as crazy just by mentioning how excited I am for the Lord to return or about the times we are in. It makes me downright nervous to even mention world news and events, or end-time prophecies. The reaction from fellow believers is volatile. I am having trouble finding even one person in my life who would be willing to discuss any of today’s issues. What is most disheartening is the indifference of my church of 30 years.”
The Pace Is Quickening!
So everything has accelerated as the Bible said would happen in that last generation, but interest in the phenomenon is at an all-time low. And weary remnant watchmen are left alone and isolated! Those they mingle with are just waiting for normal to return and for life to carry on!
Now let’s throw division into the mix and it’s so volatile that many people feel even more isolated. Masks, vaccine issues, and other virus-related controversies have separated families, churches, businesses, and more.
All would acknowledge, both on the right and the left, that government is growing out-of-control. Liberties are being violated on a daily basis as politicians meet in smoke-filled rooms to scheme and deny rights to the people. In America, the Constitution has been tossed in a trash can.
Soon we will be a vaccine passport society and the unvaccinated will assume “yellow star” status. How did this happen? This is hardly the “normal” people think will return.
Prepping for Mr. Fix-It
Society is being prepped for the Antichrist and as prophecy-loving believers try to warn, the words are falling on a lot of deaf ears.
The stage is being set for a closing act. The players are getting into their proper positions. Heads of state are meeting to plot and scheme and deny even more rights. In places like Australia, Lithuania, and Austria, good people are enemies of the state even though they are upstanding citizens.
World leaders have no comprehension they are majoring in minors. To them, it makes perfect sense to obsess over carbon emissions. During the Tribulation, this will fade from their memories as they cope with Seals and Trumpets and Bowls. These will spark “climate change” they cannot imagine!
Most receiving this newsletter are “watchmen.” Ezekiel 33 tells us that if you don’t warn, the blood is on your hands, so you cannot be silent. Brace yourself to be shocked daily by things you read and watch. Satan is getting more active and wickedness is rising, so God’s people must shine more brightly.
But for the believer, a glorious event will happen soon. It is known as the Rapture of the Church. It is any day. Any hour. Any minute. So don’t grow weary! And yes, if a believer is a Rapture skeptic, they get the surprise of their life some day soon. Then you’ll have the privilege of saying, “I told you so.”
Janne Ohlin – Göteborg